Friday, 15 March 2013

Captain Paul Creighton celebrates one year of Swing Times in Second Life

Swing Times is celebrating its First Anniversary this weekend! Today marks one year of the glitz and glamour brought to Second Life by Captain Paul Creighton. He was kind enough to give a few minutes of his busy schedule to grant us an interview on such a special occasion.
Allows us to take a moment to say another heartfelt thank you to Captain Paul Creighton for his kindness and consideration towards each and every resident in Swing Times.

Happy Anniversary Swing Times!

ST: What inspired you to create Swing Times?
PC: I have been a fan of the period, the 30s and 40s, my whole life. I really like the potential for community that Second Life provides. So, it was just a natural progression to want to work on a Sim that combined both. The result of that progression is Swing Times.

ST: It has been a year since you have opened Swing Times to the general public, in Second Life. Where and how do you see the future of Swing Times?
PC: The future of Swing Times is in the hands of our residents.  The secret to our success is no secret.  Everyone in Swing Times gets to say where we are heading and directly influences where we arrive.  Our events submission process is completely transparent, and it allows any resident to offer a fully promoted event that is the focus of the entire community.  As soon as someone begins being a resident here, they are greeted with open arms and have a complete support network to help them realize their vision within Swing Times.
Staying true to that basic philosophy is the challenge for the future, but is also the reason why Swing Times exists and what has gotten us to this point.

ST: I know we have previously asked you this but it makes more sense today than ever… What was your proudest moment in regards to Swing Times so far?
PC: I still have to point to the first Easter Parade: Monday, April 9 at 7pm SLT.  Looking back, I am more proud of that today than ever before.  Within one month of opening to the public, we had a community present in Swing Times that wanted to move forward together as a community.  Seeing it for the first time at that moment was wonderful, as it forecast all the incredible things we've seen in Swing Times since that moment.  It shows that at our core, we really do want to work together as a community to create the place that we all call home.

ST: If you had one wish for Swing Times… What would it be?
PC: I would really like to see the community triple or quadruple in size but still retain the tight knit community feeling we currently have without any cliquishness.  We have been blessed with a steady grow of residents and have still remained welcoming to new arrivals.  If we can keep that up, I would be very happy with it.

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